I'm an India-based web designer & front‑end developer focused on crafting clean & user‑friendly experiences. I'm interested in all kinds of visual communication, but my major focus is in designing web, mobile & tablet interfaces. I also have skills in Blockchain development, like NFT marketplace, ICOs, Centralised Exchange.
With my years in an agency and still so passionate, I put my technical skills at the service of your creative ideas. I provide my advice from the graphic creation phase to offer an experience consistent with the objectives of the project
Most common methods for designing websites that work well on desktop
is responsive and adaptive design
Most common methods for designing websites that work well on desktop is responsive and adaptive design
Most common methods for designing websites that work well on desktop is
responsive and adaptive design
Front End Development is building out the visual components of a website using HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript, I build fast, interactive websites. It also may include a CMS, API, or other integrations.
Customized blockchain solutions, Smart contracts, ICOs, Ethereum, Web3js, Solidity, Bitcoin, Hyperledger Fabric, Crypto Payment Gateways, Decentralized and centralized cryptocurrency Exchanges, and Binary Options Trading Platforms
UI/UX involves planning and iterating a site's structure and layout. Once the proper information architecture is in place, I design the visual layer to create a beautiful user experience.
Having in-depth knowledge of advanced NodeJs, PHP, MySql, and Wordpres. Strong experience in client handling and leadership. I do it with bug-tracking tools that make your error-free projects. Every project passed by Lambda test.
Most common methods for designing websites that work well on desktop is
responsive and adaptive design
Most common methods for designing websites that work well on desktop is
responsive and adaptive design
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a.m. and 8:00 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday